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In-plane Shear Strengthening of Masonry Walls after Damage
In-plane Shear Strengthening of Unreinforced Masonry Walls Using GFRP Jacketing
Out of plane bending experiments on masonry walls
Out of plane bending experiments on masonry walls
Out of plane bending experiments on masonry walls
Micromodels for the in-plane failure analysis of masonry walls ...
201007-04 Helifix Shear Tests- Ismail -- video
Seismic strengthening of masonry structures
Strengthening of Brick Masonry Walls in Historic Building with Glass FRP
Strengthening of Unreinforced Masonry (URM) using Ferrocement Jacketing Technique
N. REBOUL, Out-of-plane behaviour of masonry walls reinforced by composite materials
Cyclic load testing of reinforced masonry shear walls